Monday, March 03, 2008

Life Intrudes: An Apology

I meant, of course, to post something on V-Day. But the next day, February 15, insanely early, I was leaving to get on the train to move to Chicago to live with my sister. So, as you can imagine, I had quite a lot to be getting on with on Thursday, and I didn't get around to it.
And then of course, Friday and Saturday were spent on the train, and Sunday in moving in. There were difficulties. We didn't have heat, or running water. The first night, Saturday night, we spent with my sister's friends. Sunday night, she and I both threw mattresses on the floor of my bedroom and set up a space heater and put plastic on my windows and threw blankets over my windows and over my door to insulate us as much as possible. We had a space heater in the main room, too, and blankets separating the main room from the smaller living room and the kitchen, so those rooms would be freezing and the main room would be warmish. The kitchen, we didn't need, because there was no running water, and also no gas hookup for our stove/oven--that was something we needed to do, but we weren't capable of doing so for a few days. We had to unplug one of the radiators to plug in our microwave, or else the circuits would blow and we needed to call our (incompetent) building manager so he could give us electricity again.

We learned a lot about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs during that time period. When we had no heat, that was all we could think about. When we had heat, we had room to start thinking about hooking up our gas so we could cook real food. Now we're thinking desperately about our water, because it's still not properly set up, and our dishes are piling up. I managed to do some yesterday, by heating up water (from the bathroom, which produces either freezing cold or burning hot water from only on faucet in both the sink and the tub) on the stove and pouring it into the plugged up sink, and using water in a pitcher to rinse. The kitchen sink produces a trickle for a time. The toilet is non-functioning. We have to cross the hall to the neighboring (unfinished) apartment for their toilet and shower, which work fine.

I've been looking for a job, and need to find one really soon. I don't really know Chicago very well, so I've mostly been looking online, which is a bit of a hardship, because my laptop is shit (my parents gave it to me), and is very, very slow. The internet connection I'm using is coming from one of the neighboring apartment buildings (we only have one other tenant in this building at the time--they're remodeling everything--and I don't think I'm getting my internet from her), so the connection isn't very good, either, which all adds up to mean that doing anything on-line takes way too fucking long.

Which brings me to why I have been silent here for a long fucking time.
I apologize.

On a more feminist note: I've been feeling inspired to create a Tarot deck featuring the feminine mythic cycle, rather than the masculine mythic cycle that is common with standard Tarot decks. I was inspired this morning by some awesome ideas in that direction, and just yesterday, my sister said she was interested in creating the art for a Tarot deck (she's a visual artist--mostly painting--and I'm really not, which is what stopped me in the past from seriously considering this project). So, we'll see how it goes.
Also, I feel compelled to share this link. We'Moon Land is a women's earth-based spiritual community located near Estacada, Oregon. It is an intentional community, dedicated to learning and growing and healing.

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