Thursday, March 13, 2008

She is coming back.

The more I think about it, the more I think that, really, we don't have to do anything, to cure this imbalance between men and women. Blasphemous? Perhaps. Outrageous? Certainly. 

Disclaimer: I am talking very generally here. I am talking not about individuals, but about Men and Women as a whole, or the Masculine and the Feminine, in symbolism, or Masculine energy and Feminine energy. (Or the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.)

See, the way I understand it is, men created the imbalance in the first place, and the imbalance, of course, is all in our own minds. Why did they create this imbalance? 
Well, hierarchy, organization, form, structure, and many other similar things are all characterized by the Masculine, in symbolism. What this means is that, on a general, symbolic level, Men create hierarchies, Men create pecking orders and Alpha positions, etc. And Men need to be #1. 
The problem is, that when you view men and women from that Masculine viewpoint, women are clearly superior. We give birth. Holy fuck, Women can create new fucking life. Can I make that any more clear? Also, there are little things like, (the way I understand it) Women are the genetic default: adding testosterone at the right time makes the fetus male. 
Also, there's the fact that Women don't view the world like Men do. Chaos, cooperation, interdependence, organic organization, going with the flow (flowing of water, adaptability), and many other similar things are all characterized by the Feminine, in symbolism. (This is to say, above, when I was talking about Women being superior, that was not MY personal viewpoint, nor is it the viewpoint of the Feminine.) Women are much more egalitarian and sharing. So when the Men struggle for power and to be the Alpha, Women mostly smile and shake Their heads, like We don't understand it, but if it make Him happy ... 
But then of course, Men realized that (according to the Masculine viewpoint) Women were superior, and the Masculine did everything in His power to BE NUMBER ONE! Which of course led to all sorts of nasty things, devaluing the Feminine and raising the Masculine. (Sometime I'll talk about Greek myths and the Hellenes.) 

So, ever since then, we've been fighting to be equal in the Masculine's eyes. 
Well, it's not going to work. 
You see, by fighting, we're only playing His game, the game of who's better? because only one person (group, entity, symbol) can be better, in the world of hierarchy. 
What we want is equality. That's something we can only get by refusing to play the Men's game, and drawing on our Feminine symbols: cooperation, organic organization (that grows naturally and dies naturally, like elder men and women giving advice that is taken very seriously, like women who have given birth multiple times telling the younger woman who has never given birth before, "Sit down and shut up. When you've given birth as many times as I have, then I'll ask you where it hurts!"), interdependence, etc. 
Also, by valuing our selves and others equally. Once we can do that, once we can free our selves from hierarchy, from viewing some others as better than our selves, and some others as less than our selves, then we will be free from the hierarchy that Men dreamed up. 

Also, there exists a beautiful article in a magazine called Snake Power! (I believe; and I'm pretty sure the magazine no longer publishes. But I'll try to find the article)
This article suggests that, instead of a horrible mistake that now needs to be fixed, the devaluing of women and Man's takeover were instead a natural outcome of the nature of the Divine Feminine that will just as naturally be resolved. The author uses the Moon aspect of the Divine Feminine, giving each phase of the moon a time period, roughly five thousand years.  She says that every five thousand years, we switch to a new moon phase, and that right now we are transitioning from the New Moon, the dark and the absences of moon, when the Divine Feminine was in the Underworld/Otherworld, tending to the souls of the dead, to the Crescent Moon.  She is coming back.  You can see that in the upsurge of interest in the Divine Feminine, in women's rights, in the environment and egalitarianism, in everything that relates to the Feminine.  
She is coming back.  
This idea has been very interesting to me, as I look back though history: a lot of big things seem to happen at those five-thousand year marks.  Five thousand years ago (at the beginning of the New/Dark Moon phase) saw the Savior Gods, the Rising-and-Dying Gods, coming into the fore (Christ was a bit late), cities were built, civilizations founded, and the Neolithic period ends.  Ten thousand years ago (at the beginning of the Waning Crescent phase), the Ice Age ended (or took a break, depending on who you listen to) and humans first started doing serious farming and animal-rearing.  It gets fuzzy, the further we go back.  But the pattern is there.  

Anyway, I'm starting to ramble, and I also haven't had breakfast yet, so I think I'm going to close.  I may clarify, or finish later, if I find this isn't very clear/finished.  

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